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Origins And Identity

The Palestinians: A Historical Overview

Origins and Identity

The term "Palestinians" initially referred to all inhabitants of the British Mandate for Palestine. However, over time, it came to specifically denote Arab Muslims and Christians living in the region.

Nationalism and Resistance

In the early 20th century, Palestinian nationalism emerged in response to British rule and Jewish immigration. Haj Amin al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, spearheaded the Palestinian resistance by calling for a "jihad" against both British authorities and Jewish settlers.

Displacement and Partition

Following the Arab-Israeli War of 1948, hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were displaced from their homes. The United Nations partition plan, which divided the former British Mandate into Jewish and Arab states, further contributed to Palestinian displacement and the creation of the Palestinian refugee crisis.

Palestinian Authority and Statehood

In 1994, the Oslo Accords established the Palestinian National Authority (PNA), a self-governing body exercising limited authority in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. The PNA has since been recognized by many countries, but the establishment of a полноценный Palestinian state remains an ongoing aspiration.

Today, there are approximately 13.4 million Palestinians worldwide, with significant communities residing in the West Bank, Gaza Strip, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria. The Palestinian issue remains a complex and contentious one, with ongoing negotiations and efforts towards a two-state solution between Israel and a sovereign Palestinian state.
